Samsung accepts region-locking has been a failure but refuses to remove it

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 17 Oct 2013


Region-locking the Galaxy Note 3 from Samsung was a terrible, terrible move. It led to a major community backlash and even drove away many potential buyers.

Today, in a statement issued in German language, Samsung accepted that its implementation of region-locking the Note 3 and its other devices have gone awfully wrong. The company, however, won’t be removing region-locking from its devices. Instead, it is working on making the procedure more consumer friendly and asked for more time to solve the issues and answer the queries of its frustrated customers.

Below is the official statement from Samsung, translated into English with the help of Google Translate -:

“We assure you that the pleasant and smooth user experience for our customers with Samsung products is a top priority for us. Of course, we take customer feedback to heart.
The fact that the regional SIM Lock function ensures this degree of uncertainty , we did not expect . Therefore, we collected and analyzed the many questions in the last days .
The regional SIM lock feature on the latest Samsung products will remain in place. We are currently examining intensively However , how can we optimize and simplify the procedure for total customer satisfaction. To answer all the questions satisfactorily , but we still need some time .
If users previously have problems with the deactivation of the regional SIM lock function, they can contact customer service . This supports like the activation process so that customers can use their device without restrictions .”

Meanwhile, if you are facing issues on your Note 3 due to region-locking, Samsung recommends you head over to their nearest service center.

Via – GigaOm