Evidence mounts for 12.2 inch Samsung tablet


Published 22 Jul 2013


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random tablet

A little over a month ago, there was a rumor out of Korea I covered saying that Samsung was going to release a 12.2 inch tablet that’ll have a screen resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels. Well, guess what? A device by the name of SM-P905 has just appeared on Zauba, a database that keeps track of all the things being imported into and out of India.

The entry for the SM-P905 specifically mentions a 12.2 inch display, and it gets even better. Last week, the guys from All About Samsung found a User Ager Profile for a device called the SM-900 that confirms the 2560 x 1600 pixel display rumor. Are the SM-900 and SM-905 related? Knowing Samsung’s naming scheme, I bet they are.

What can Samsung possibly do to make a 12.2 inch tablet tempting? That’s a great question, since we all know it’s likely going to cost a lot of money. Just today there were rumors circulating about a 12.9 inch iPad, so we know Apple is at least thinking about going bigger.

Note: Photo above is of some random Panasonic tablet.