Samsung publishes its Q3 results; Posts record operating profit of $9.65 billion


Published 25 Oct 2013


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Samsung has just posted their Q3 results for the year, posting record turnover and profit. In the previous quarter ending on September 30th, the company posted sales of $55.6 billion, up from $49.1 billion last year.Overall, the company posted an operating profit of $9.65 billion, up from $7.58 billion of last year. Keep in mind that these are the overall figures of Samsung as a whole. While the company saw profit and turnover grew throughout all its divisions, the company’s semi-conductor and mobile division posted the largest jumps.

The Korean company claims that the growth was driven by the sales of its “mass-market” models, with sales of its high-end flagships remaining flat. The growth was also spurred, thanks to a sharp increase in tablet shipments.

It’s semi-conductor industry also posted its highest profit in three years. The full financial report and the press release from Samsung can be found here.