Brief: Samsung Mobile US gets new President


Published 4 Jul 2013


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Dale Sohn has been the head of Samsung Mobile US for the past seven years. Effective immediately, he’s going to fly back to Korea to become an advisor to Samsung Electronics CEO J.K. Shin. So who is going to replace Dale? Gregory Lee. He used to be the President of Samsung South East Asia, and before that he used to be in charge of “Global Marketing Operations” at Samsung in Korea.

Why the change? That’s a question only Dale can answer. The fact that he’s moving back to Korea tells me he probably misses his friends and family and wants a change. I mean, you can’t say Dale has done a poor job, because that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Samsung is now the king of Android in the US.

I can’t find any juicy information about Gregory, though I did find this interview from April 2012 where he said his favorite Samsung phone was the Galaxy Note. Sounds like my kind of guy.