Samsung’s new ‘wonder material’ will reportedly make phones ultra thin with 100x faster internet

BY Valerie Richardson

Published 4 Apr 2014


The folks at Samsung have reportedly struck great results on their research with the “wonder material” which could revolutionize the future of smartphones. The material used here is graphene and it is said that the Korean manufacturer has found a way to implement it in a way that would make smartphones substantially thinner than we see today and with 100 times faster internet speeds.

The Samsung research team has reportedly found a way to keep the electrical and mechanical integrity of the compound intact even when spread around a vast surface like a smartphone or a tablet. A research from the American Physical Society has shown that the material is up to 1 million times thinner than a piece of paper.

So how exactly will Samsung implement this technology with its future devices? One likely area is claimed to be wearable devices like smartwatches which don’t usually require a large space. It is said that graphene’s electron mobility is considerably stronger than silicon, with one research stating that devices would get 100x faster internet using this technology.

Another area where graphene shines is with regards to durability. It is more durable than steel, which means its one of the sturdiest materials you could use in a mobile device.

Since this is still in its research stages, it’s very hard to predict its future at the moment. But given that somebody is looking to discover newer ways to innovate in the technology sector, this gives us hope that the mobile industry hasn’t seen its best yet.

[Via Business Insider]