Google Play Music All Access comes to Europe

BY Stefan Constantinescu

Published 8 Aug 2013

all access

While I totally understand that some people still enjoy buying physical media, and some people even enjoy buying individual music files, for me it’s all about subscription services. Pay 10 Euros a month for unlimited access to millions upon millions of songs, what’s not to like?

Google launched their own streaming music service at I/O back in May of this year, and it’s awkwardly called “Google Play Music All Access“. Same concept as Spotify or Rdio, but with a touch of Google. Anyway, the service has been only available in the United States since inception, but today that changes.

According to Android Police, it’s now live in Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, and the UK. Notice how Northern Europe isn’t in there. No Sweden, no Finland, no Germany.

If you are in the UK, do give the service a try and let me know what you think.