Here we go again: Note III to have 5.7″ screen


Published 24 Jun 2013


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pink note

Son of a … it’s yet another Samsung Galaxy Note III rumor. The first rumors said the device would have a 6.0 inch display, which freaked a lot of people out, myself included. The newer rumors have all been saying 5.9 inches, and that’s a bit more reasonable, but still a bit absurd.

Now, thanks to the anonymous Twitter user @evleaks, who has one of the best track records on the internet regarding rumors, the latest number for the Galaxy Note III screen size is 5.7 inches. That’s a number I can actually get behind since it would mean that Samsung doesn’t have to make the next Note any larger than the current Note, which I currently own, and love to bits.

Assuming the Note III has a 16:9 aspect ratio, that means a 5.7 inch screen would measure 71 mm wide and 126.2 mm tall. The current Note II is 80.5 mm wide, so that would mean 4.75 mm thin bezels on either side. Again, this is assuming the physical size doesn’t change. As for vertical height, the Note II is 151.1 mm tall, which would give the Note III roughly 24.9 mm of space to play with. For the sake of comparison, the Galaxy S4 has 25.9 mm of vertical space to play with.

Am I more excited about the Note III now than I was yesterday? You bet your ass.