Motorola’s Keylink accessory will help you find your keys for $24.99

BY Evan Selleck

Published 19 Nov 2014

imore Motorola Keylink

Little tracking devices, which pair to a dedicated app on a smartphone, aren’t a new idea by a long shot, but Motorola has decided to jump into the market anyway.

Making the Keylink work is pretty simple, as it will sync with the Motorola Connect app, which is available for free within the App Store. Once connected, the owner can make the Keylink ring right from the app, so that finding a set of keys buried within a couch or lost in another room is easy as locating an auditory cue.

The Keylink actually works the other way around, too, with the ability to make your phone ring if you can find your keys but not your phone. What’s more, devices that are running Android 5.0 Lollipop can actually keep their handsets unlocked as long as the keys are nearby.

The Keylink is available right from Motorola for $24.99, and it’s also available from T-Mobile as well. Motorola says the battery within the accessory will last “up to a year,” and if you make it that long, the battery can be replaced with a coin cell battery — the little round batteries that can generally be found at drug or convenience stores.

What do you think of Motorola’s Keylink?

[via Motorola]