Google Home Now Supports Shopping

BY Evan Selleck

Published 16 Feb 2017

Google Home TV handson

One of the bigger features of the Amazon Echo is the ability for owners to shop for goods through Amazon directly, just by using their voice.

And now Google Home owners can say they can do the same thing. Google has confirmed that, beginning today, its own smart speaker supports shopping with just your voice. Saying things like “Ok Google, order more paper towels,” will be supported, along with ordering plenty of other items.

“Through April 30, 2017, when you shop via Google Home, you don’t have to worry about additional service or membership fees. And set-up is easy! To get started, go to the Google Home app, navigate to “More settings” and then scroll down to “Payments.” From there, set your default credit card and delivery address, and you’re ready to shop.”

Google Home shopping supports more than 50 different retailers right out of the gate, including local shops that support Google Express. Some of the bigger names that are offering support include PetSmart, Walgreens, Costco, and Bed Bath & Beyond.

If you own a Google Home, do you think you’ll do a lot of shopping from it?

[via Google Blog]