Google Photos Adding an Auto White Balancing Feature

BY Evan Selleck

Published 3 Mar 2017

Google Photos search experience

Google has put a big focus on photos, understanding that for a lot of people around the globe, it’s the perfect way to preserve memories.

As such, Google Photos, even in its short time on the market, has become one of the go-to storage options for users. And now it’s getting a little better. Google has announced that it is rolling out an Auto White Balance feature into the app, for Android and the web first, and iOS users getting it later.

The feature will automatically adjust the white balance of a photo a user has selected, and Google Photos can also adjust the saturation and exposure as well. Users will be able to go into a photo and edit, too, adjusting the tint and warmth as they feel is necessary.

The new features will be available on Android and on the web this week. iOS users get it “soon.”

[via Google Blog]