Google Fit will be a companion service for fitness trackers

BY Valerie Richardson

Published 13 Jun 2014


Fitness is a top priority for mobile manufacturers of late. We saw Samsung take it to the next level with the S Health app and the Gear Fit companion accessory. Even Apple announced a dedicated Health app and API with iOS 8 earlier this month. A new report now suggests that Google will bring an app or service called Google Fit to gather data from various fitness devices and apps. It seems like the company will make the APIs available to developers soon to work around it.

If Android Wear hardware partners should choose to make use of fitness tracking components, Google’s app would allow for it to be stored in one convenient location across Android devices. The specifics of this are currently unknown, but we might get to learn more about it at the upcoming I/O event in June.

It is unclear at the moment if Google Fit will be a standalone app downloadable via the Play Store or a feature specific to the upcoming version of Android. Either way, it’s a good idea to bring health metrics to Android by default rather than relying on third party manufacturers like Samsung.

This way, every Android device will be able to access the features rather than a select few who own hardware from a particular manufacturer. Google has “wearable computing” scheduled for Day 1 of the I/O event, so we’ll get a clearer picture of where things are headed then. The I/O event kicks off on the 25th of June in San Francisco and we’ll make sure you have all the information as it unfolds.

[Via Forbes]