Samsung Galaxy S7 rumored to feature a Live Photos-like feature called ‘Vivid Photo’

BY Evan Selleck

Published 14 Jan 2016

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge - the camera, LED flash and heart rate sensor cluster

When there’s a good feature out there, whoever it’s from, there’s a strong likelihood that you’ll see it pop up again, with a different name, a different spin, and from a different company.

According to a report published by Android Geeks, the Galaxy S7 will boast a new feature that could be called “Vivid Photo” (but is also apparently being considered titled “Timeless Photo”), and will work pretty much in the same way that Apple implemented Live Photos. There’s no confirmation of this, of course, as even the device is not official at this point, but the report does cite an unnamed source:

“According to one of our sources the software engineers of the South Korean phone maker are testing a Live Photos-like feature that is supposed to debut with the Galaxy S7 later this year.”

The feature will skip recording ambient sound, though. This means that Samsung will make it possible for those captured photos to be shared as standard GIFs through social media. However, the report does state that Vivid Photo might not be ready by the time Samsung launches the Galaxy S7, and could be a feature that’s added to the device at a later date through a software update.

What do you think? Is Apple’s Live Photos something worthy enough to bring over to Samsung’s devices this year?

[via iPhoneHacks; Android Geeks]