Google Rolls Out June Security Update; Fixes Freezing Issue on Pixel

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 6 Jun 2017

Google has started rolling out the June security update for its compatible Nexus and Pixel devices. In addition, the latest build of Android 7.1.2 Nougat for the Google Pixel also addresses a freezing problem with the device.

Among the security exploits patched, the most severe one was related to Bluetooth which could allow a malicious app to access data even if permission was not granted to it. There are a lot of low-level vulnerabilities fixed by MediaTek, Qualcomm, and Nvidia with this update for their respective chipsets as well.

If you want the nitty-gritty details of the vulnerabilities fixed in the June Security update, head over to Google’s monthly security bulletin.

As for the freezing bug on the Pixel, here’s what Google has to say about it:

There is a fix included in the June security update that should address many of the freezing issues that have been reported. The update is starting to roll out via OTA today and will continue to roll out over the coming weeks.
Freezing and general device performance issues can be caused my many different things, so please continue to update this post with your individual experiences after accepting the June security OTA.
If you have not already received the June security patch on your compatible Pixel or Nexus, you should in the coming week. And if you cannot wait for the update to land on your device, you can always download the OTA image file or the factory image and flash it manually on your device.