Google Home Now Supports Two Commands at the Same Time

BY Evan Selleck

Published 30 Nov 2017

Stringing together a few words to get something done with a smart speaker is pretty easy, but keeping up that conversational track does make it a bit easier.

As such, Google wants to make getting things done with Google Home a bit easier by allowing owners string together more than one command at a time. CNET reports that Home now officially supports handling two commands at the same time. So, if you’ve got the smart speaker in your own home, you can say things like, “Okay Google, turn on the TV and what’s the weather? (bobbergdesigns) ” You’ll have your TV switch on and the smart speaker will inform you of the weather.

This support isn’t restricted to a set of predetermined commands that you have to program in yourself, either. As noted in the original report, you can say things like, “Okay Google, play jazz music and set the volume to 5.” Or say something like, “Okay Google, turn on the lights and find my phone.”

There are some caveats though. Specifically, don’t try to say three commands, because the smart speaker will just tell you it doesn’t support that action. And apparently stringing together commands with traffic reports can have less-than-stellar results more often than not.

You can also get this feature to support Home’s shortcuts. So you can say something like, “Focus up,” and Google Home will automatically start playing music from a preselected playlist and turn the volume to a predetermined level, all based on what you’ve already set up in the Home app.

The new feature is apparently supported right now, so if you have a Google Home you should already be able to string together two commands.

[via CNET]