Google disables Maps Maker feature after Android peeing on Apple logo debacle

BY Evan Selleck

Published 11 May 2015

Android peeing on Apple

At the end of April, a discovery was made while using Google Maps. Navigating to a specific location, and then zooming out, would reveal what was unmistakably the Android mascot peeing on the Apple logo.

Well, Google wasn’t too fond of that find, apparently, and has therefore decided to disable the Maps Maker feature within Google Maps. With this particular feature, users could submit changes to Maps, and apparently that unrivaled ability has led to “escalated attacks to spam Google Maps,” according to a statement made by Google. Google went on to say that a prank from a “strong user,” was particularly “troubling and unfortunate.”

Now, beginning May 12, Maps Maker will have its auto-approval disabled altogether, so updates now must be approval manually.

The editing of Google Maps from users has already begun to rollout, and Google doesn’t say when it will reactivate the feature.

[via The Next Web; Google]