Google Assistant Not Rolling Out to Tablets

BY Evan Selleck

Published 16 Mar 2017

Google Assistant1

Back in February Google started rolling out Google Assistant to smartphones running Android Marshmallow and Android Nougat.

While that would extend Assistant’s reach to many more people, the announcement only included “smartphones,” “Android phones,” and “Android partner phones.” At the time there wasn’t a lot of noise being made about tablets not being specifically mentioned in the announcement.

A report from Android Police sheds some light on why tablets weren’t named: Google doesn’t have any plans to include them right now. Specifically, while Assistant is landing on phones with the appropriate software on board, and access to Google Play Services, tablets aren’t being lined up for the same feature update:

“The Assistant will be available on Android Marshmallow and Nougat phones with Google Play Services, this does not include tablets.”

This doesn’t necessarily mean that tablets won’t ever get access to Assistant, at least not officially, but it appears those devices aren’t on the update schedule right away.

[via Android Police]