Google announces Android Device Manager, a service to help users find their lost phone

BY Gautam Prabhu

Published 2 Aug 2013


Google has just announced plans to launch a new service called Android Device Manager, which will allow users to find their lost phone, protect personal data by allowing users to securely erase all the data on their device remotely.

It sounds similar to Apple’s Find My iPhone service, which has been available for iOS devices since June 2010.

Google has provided the following information about the features available in Android Device Manager:

Locate and ring your misplaced device

If you ended up dropping your phone between those couch cushions, Android Device Manager lets you quickly ring your phone at maximum volume so you can find it, even it’s been silenced. And in the event that your phone or tablet is out of earshot (say, at that restaurant you left it at last night), you can locate it on a map in real time.

Protecting your personal information and data

While losing your phone can be stressful, Android Device Manager can help you keep your data from ending up in the wrong hands. If your phone can’t be recovered, or has been stolen, you can quickly and securely erase all of the data on your device.

Users will be able to use the service by signing in to their Google account.

Google has announced the service will be available later this month, and it will also be launching an Android app to make it easier to find and manage Android device.

We doubt users of anti-theft apps such as Cerberus etc. will switch to Google’s service as they offer a lot more features.

[via Official Android blog]