Google Allo Turns Selfies into Cartoon Stickers

BY Evan Selleck

Published 11 May 2017

Google Allo selfie stickers

Recently, Google Allo picked up an update that allows its to feature incognito mode for groups, backup/restore, and more.

And now the app is back at it again, with Google announcing today that it is rolling out a feature that will take your standard selfies and turn them into something more. Specifically, Allo for Android now supports being able to snap a selfie, and then, thanks to the artwork from artist Lamar Abrams, turn yourself into a cartoon sticker. Google says with machine learning and neural networks, the new feature can create up to 563 quadrillion faces.

To make it work, you’ll open Allo, take a selfie, and then it will scan your face. From there it will turn you into a piece of animated Abrams artwork, and users will be able to customize it a bit more from there. They will then be able to use their selfie, which has been turned into a cartoon sticker, for conversations within Allo if they so desire.

Google Allo selfie stickers2

The update to make this feature go live is rolling out today for Allo on Android. It’ll roll out on the iOS version at a later date.

[via Fast. Co Design; Google Research Blog]