Google combines your Gmail and Google Drive data buckets into one big 15 GB partition

BY Stefan Constantinescu

Published 14 May 2013

Google just announced that they’re going to combine your Gmail storage with your Google Drive storage into one massive 15 GB shared space. So whereas before you had 10 GB of free space for email and 5 GB of space for your documents and photos, now that distinction isn’t going to exist. You’ll have just one 15 GB block of storage that both services can use.

The logic is simple. Say you have a ton of photos, but don’t use email all too often. Now you’re not going to be starved for space. And the reverse is obviously true, if you’re a big email hoarder, but you don’t need 5 GB for Drive since you use Dropbox or something else.

Now in case 15 GB isn’t enough for you, Google has two size options. You can pay $4.99 per month and get 100 GB of total space, or you can pay $9.99 and get 200 GB of total space.

Either way, there’s an option for just about everyone except for professional video editors.