10 apps you need to get your New Year’s resolutions back on track

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 9 Feb 2017

e to get back up on that horse
new years resolutions apps primary

Image by Thinkstock

It’s February, you know what that means: You’ve probably already given up on at least one of your New Year’s resolutions. It’s not just you — according to this (self-reported, so take it with a grain of salt) 2002 study published in the urnal of Clinical ychology, over 35 percent of resolution-makers abon their resolutions after a month.

If you’re already struggling with that resolution you made on nuary 1st, we’re here to help. Your smartphone is always with you, so what better way to motivate yourself to stick to your goals than with constant reminders guilt-tripping via apps? Here are 10 apps that will help you lose weight, move more, save money, even kick your tech addiction.