ay Movies & TV app now helps you binge watch your favorite shows

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 5 Oct 2015

ay Movies & TV will now sustain your binge-watching TV habits.

th the version 3.9 update, the app will politely offer to zip you on to the next episode as a TV show is wrapping up. Otherwise you’ll need to retreat to the episode list choose the next one on your own.

I grabbed the A tried it out on an episode of Ghost Adventures (yes, I know ghosts aren’t real) but I didn’t see such a card. rhaps you have to own the next episode, or the feature isn’t fully supported yet across all devices. It was a quick test, so perhaps your experience will differ.

Additionally, ay Movies & TV should easily connect with Roku devices. During a teardown testing session, Android lice spotted the Nearby A at work, which means no need to enter a code to get ay Movies to talk to the streaming box. This could usher in a future where the app can automatically pair with other devices without a cumbersome setup process.

If you don’t want install the A yourself, wait for the rollout to hit your device through the ay Store.

y this matters: The binge-watching feature is the best new addition, as it matches how many people now watch television shows. th this new tool, you have to wonder if would ever be tempted to dabble into Netflix’s territory with some kind of streaming service of its own. It certainly has the content partners technology, already is in the music streaming space with ay Music. But would have to convince people to dump services they’ve come to rely on to carve out space in this market.