10 Times When Location Services Will Mess Up Your Life

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 22 May 2015

Your phone always knows where you are, and while there are plenty of benefits, it’s not necessarily a good thing. Who can see that data? Pretty much any app you give permission to can see it. According to a study from Carnegie Mellon University. Many popular apps collect your device location as often as every three minutes. In other words, Groupon is literally tracking your every move. Sometimes having your device location data turned on is valuable and convenient if a minor invasion of your privacy. For example, when you’re using the Maps app to figure out where you are. It’s nice if your phone actually knows where you are. But unless you’re using maps or a navigation app. Does your phone really need to know where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going? Not really.Didn’t know you could turn off your phone’s location settings? Open up Settings and scroll down to Personal. Next to Location, there you’ll see a toggle switch that will turn your phone’s location reporting on or off. You can also go into the Location menu to check out (or erase) your Location History. Here are some times when you might want to use this feature.

When You Call in Sick From Work

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I’m not above calling in sick from work when I’m not ill. But smartphones make it more challenging to keep up the charade. If you take a sick day to go shopping or watch the game. Turn off your location data before you post anything to social media. The last thing you need is for your Tweets about how totally sick you are to be inadvertently tagged AT&T Work.

When You’re Lying About Being Out of Town

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Hey, wanna grab lunch this week? Oh, man, I can’t. I’m totally in Las Vegas right now! Really? But you just posted a status update on Facebook tagged Los Angeles. Uh, I meant I’m driving to Las Vegas right now. Yeah.

When You’re Posting a Gym Selfie

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First, McDonald’s, next to the 24-Hour Fitness, still technically places you at the gym. On your Location History map doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel bad about posting gym selfies while scarfing down a cheeseburger.

When You Want to Shop in Peace

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A few weeks ago, I signed up for Target’s Cartwheel app. Whenever I get within 50 feet of a Target store. I get a bunch of annoying pop-ups about how much I can save on cleaning supplies.

When You’re on Vacation

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When you go on vacation. Do you leave a sign on your door alerting would-be thieves to the presence of an empty house? No, you don’t, because that would be stupid. But is it much smarter to post photos tagged Bora Bora when your home is all alone in San Francisco?

When You’re Trying to Ditch Someone You Met on Tinder

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When You’re Trying to Make Yourself Look Like You Have a Life

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I’m totally on vacation in Europe right now. Uh, we can see that you posted that selfie from your bathroom. And you’re one of those people who give their house a cutesy Facebook check-in name.

When You’re Trying to Craft an Alibi

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Doesn’t matter if that alibi is for the police, your parents, or your significant other’s. Location History map will definitely mess with your credibility.

When You’re Lying About Being Late

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We’ve all told that I’m in the car right now lie. But remember, your social media accounts may be set up to automatically record your location. In which case, posting Stuck in traffic! To Twitter, while you’re checking in to the local Starbucks, could backfire.

When You Want to Avoid People

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Plenty of apps out there are handy and can even save your life. They’re designed to let friends and family know where you are. But sometimes you want to be alone, you know? And that isn’t easy when your buddies can find your exact location just by opening an app.

So if you don’t want everyone to know exactly where you are. Turn off the Location setting on your Phone from now on.