Motorola Droid Turbo’s latest leaked pics reveal rapid battery charger


Published 27 Oct 2014


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ile we’ve seen plenty of Droid Turbo leaks over the past weeks, some new images to hit Twitter Monday reveal a nice bonus coming your way. Motorola’s Turbo Charger, which provides an extra eight hours of battery life after only 15 minutes of charging, is part of the packaging for the Verizon-bound device.

evious leaks revealed the newest Droid has a 5.3-inch, 2560 x 1440 display, a zippy Snapdragon 805 processor, a sizable 3900mAh battery that promises nearly two days of battery life. Other specs include 3GB of RAM an impressive 21Mcamera. It also has a Kevlar build, which is a robust exterior that appeals to anyone wanting a sturdier phone.

One oddity is that it has capacitive buttons, going against the grain of most Android phones. Capacitive buttons have worked for Samsung, however, it appears Motorola believes there’s still a market that prefers the setup.

The story behind the story: Motorola already makes two flagship phones, the Moto X Nexus 6. But success in the Android smartphone market requires a diversity of products, as HTC, Samsung, all offer multiple devices that hit the high end, budget range, everything inbetween.

so, the Droid line has a loyal following, as many buyers like the long battery life robust build of these Verizon exclusives.