st trying to see if the CMS has any new quirks I should be aware of, seeing as I haven’t used it in over a month.
Having used rdess for the last month, I can say with confidence that the Articles tool is pretty solid. (Oh CMS, how I’ve missed you your tag autocomplete!)
It’s also so I can learn some of the quirks associated with ‘s article layout. Yay new image crops to obsess over!
l right, enough talk. t’s see how an image looks in the article body.

ok at these guys. ok!
Hey! There’s stin Bieber!
Ahem. OK. So that worked. Unfortunately, the preview server does not because of the V DNS issue. Oh well. At least I’ll get a feel for the crop sizes for …which are funky coming from the typical CSMB crop sizes.
Anyway, I think I’ve got a good enough feel for what I need to know for tomorrow.