Samsung’s ‘wall hugger’ ad campaign continues with physical stickers in airports

BY Evan Selleck

Published 13 Aug 2014

Samsung wall huggers

In early July, Samsung began a new barrage of advertisements that put their devices, like the Galaxy S5 and Galaxy Tab S, against Apple’s flagship devices and focused on specific elements of the devices. In the company’s “wall huggers” ad, it was all about the Galaxy S5’s battery: how you could replace it with another, or the device’s Ultra Power Saving Mode, which can extend the life of the battery a great deal. That initiative has extended to physical stickers in airports.

The new plan is to put decals around airport wall outlets. It is immediately clear which device is being advertised, as the Galaxy S5 is the most prominent part of the signage. However, reading the rest of the decal offers a pretty funny quip:

samsung wall hugger sticker

The Samsung Galaxy S 5 with Ultra Power Saving Mode. So you can be anywhere but here.

In the original advertisement, which you can watch below, Samsung pokes fun at those iPhone 5s owners out there that will sit next to a wall outlet, with their device plugged in, to make sure the battery doesn’t die. Samsung suggests you get a Galaxy S5 so you can replace the battery for a fresh one, or simply use Ultra Power Saving Mode to turn off some essential functions to keep the battery going for a ridiculous amount of time.

Samsung wall hugger decal

Right now, the ads are present on some wall outlets in the JFK airport in New York, as well as the Chicago O’Hare and Chicago Midway airports.

What do you think of the ad?

[Via AndroidCentral]