Newest leaked images of Sony’s Honami are the best yet, sadly reveal a 1/2.3″ camera sensor

BY Stefan Constantinescu

Published 15 Aug 2013


Sony is going to hold a press conference on September 4th in Berlin where it’s widely accepted that they’re going to announce a new flagship phone that may or may not be called the Xperia i1. The device is better known by its codename, Honami. Images of Honami have been steadily leaking over the past few weeks and months, but these latest pictures out of China are the clearest yet.


Do these images reveal any “new” information about the device? Yes and no. There’s confirmation that the camera on the back uses a 1/2.3 inch 20.7 megapixel sensor. What does that 1/2.3 number mean? That’s the physical size of the sensor itself. Earlier leaks said Honami would have a 1/1.6 inch sensor, so I’m incredibly disappointed to find out that’s not the case. For reference, the Samsung Galaxy Camera also uses a 1/2.3 inch sensor.

Why do you want a bigger sensor? Better photos. Simple as that. Just look at the size of a DSLR!


What else do we “know” about Honami? It’ll have a Snapdragon 800 under the hood, which will let it record 4K video. And whereas before I’ve been repeatedly saying it’ll have a 5.0 inch 1080p screen, now I’m not so sure. In a side by side photo with the original Xperia Z, Honami looks a tad bit bigger. Not much, but bigger none the less.

Like I said earlier, all will be revealed in less than three weeks in Berlin.