Google working on a new camera app with high-resolution Panorama mode and more

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 2 Apr 2014


It has long been rumored that Google is working on a new camera app for the next version of Android with a refreshed and straightforward UI along with providing low level API access to third party app developers. Now, the folks over at Engadget have received some information from their credible sources that Google is already testing the new camera app with a refreshed UI.

The new camera app will also include many new filters and a “bokeh” like effect for portrait shots as seen on the HTC One (M8) and many other devices released recently. The panorama and Photo Sphere modes will also be improved with support for higher resolution images. Additionally, the company has also fixed the wrong aspect ratio issue in the viewfinder present in the current app, allowing users to actually click what they are seeing on the screen.

Google also plans on making the camera app open to third-party developers and enthusiasts, allowing them to plug in their own filters and other features into it.

According to Engadget’s sources, the new Camera app will be made available to users via the Play Store and might also be released to other Android devices running KitKat.