Google is Adding a Dark Theme to a Future Version of Android

BY Evan Selleck

Published 23 Feb 2018

Way back when Android Marshmallow was launching, Google including a dark theme in the developer preview, which obviously made a lot of Android fans hyped for the potential feature’s debut to the public.

Unfortunately, by the time Android M arrived to the masses, that particular feature wasn’t part of the mix. And with subsequent launches, with Android N and O, the dark theme/mode hasn’t been included. But that is going to be changing soon.

As noted recently by 9to5Google, Google is going to be including a dark theme or mode with a future version of Android. As noted in the original report, back in November an Android user submitted an official issue ticket with the Google Issue Tracker. That ticket reflected the user’s desire to get a dark theme for Android, because so many smartphones use OLED displays these days.

It didn’t take long before a Google employee responded to that ticket, and said that they would pass the issue on to Android engineers. A few months later, and it looks like the issue has been settled. The ticket has been marked “fixed”, and the Google employee has stated that engineers have included this feature into Android. Moreover, that new dark theme will see the light of day in a new version of Android.

There’s no specific mention of Android P in the mix, but the suggestion is that we could see a new dark theme sooner rather than later.

Are you eager to get a dark theme in Android?