Cygn Is Now Working on Software for Self-Driving Cars

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 12 Oct 2017


Remember Cyanogen Inc.? The startup that once wanted to create a third OS behind iOS and Android? Well, after the original team all but leaving the company and the loud-mouthed CEO stepping down as well, Cygn has now decided to focus on autonomous driving technology. The company has all but abandoned its plans of developing Cyanogen OS, its operating system based on Android.

The company is working on a self-driving autonomous software for vehicles. This is evident from its revamped website which now only talks about autonomy. The company’s job listings also point to it hiring specialists from this field. Cygn also received a permit from California’s Department of Motor Vehicles to test its self-driving vehicles.

Cyanogen now primarily consists of people who formerly worked at Mercedes-Benz, Baidu, China’s Mobility Corp, and more. The company continues to be head by CEO Lior Tal who was previously the COO of the company.

Cyanogen Inc. had previously shut down all its services and Cyanogen OS nightly builds at the end of 2016. The original Cyanogen team soon took over and launched under a new LineageOS branding and has since then continued to develop its open source and customisable flavor of Android for plenty of Android devices out there. As for Cyanogen Inc’s loud-mouthed ex-CEO Kirt McMaster, it is unclear if he is still associated with the company or not.

[Via Axios]