Cyanogen Services and Nightly Builds Shutting Down on December 31, 2016

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 24 Dec 2016

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Sneaking in a terrible news on a long weekend, Cyanogen Inc. has announced that as a part of their “ongoing consolidation” of Cyanogen, the company will be discontinuing all Cyanogen-powered services and nightly builds by December 31 2016.

This means that post 31st December, you will no longer be able to download CyanogenMod nightly build for your Android device. This presumably also marks an end to Cyanogen OS and any other Cyanogen-powered service that you might have been using.

As part of the ongoing consolidation of Cyanogen, all services and Cyanogen-supported nightly builds will be discontinued no later than 12/31/16. The open source project and source code will remain available for anyone who wants to build CyanogenMod personally.

Cyanogen OS has little to do with CyanogenMod, though the former is based on the latter’s sources. The Cyanogen Inc. did play a fair bit of role in CyanogenMod’s development when the company initially started off, but later on with the company’s products failing, it stopped its involvement with CyanogenMod and its development.

The move was taken by Cyanogen Inc. after the company’s co-founder Steve Kondik made some harsh statements about ex-CEO Kirt McMaster and the way he mismanaged the company. He also mentioned in his rant that due to IP issues, he might have to drop the CyanogenMod branding altogether and re-launch the project under a different name. Kondik was removed from Cyanogen Inc. soon after, and he started working on what will presumably be CyanogenMod’s re-branded version: LineageOS.

If you are currently running a CyanogenMod nightly build on your Android device, there is not much that you can do right now. The core CM team should get their act together and launch their new open source ROM soon.

[Via Cyngn]