No matter how big or powerful our phones get they all seem to have the same problem: copying text is a pain. From the tiny little hles to the menu that may or may not pop up, nothing about it is fun or easy, with each passing release of Android it never seems to get any better.
Microsoft’s Garage, the enterprising team that brought us Hub Keyboard Arrow uncher, has built a better text trap. Called Clip yer, it’s less an app more of an assistant dedicated to snipping bits of text you want to move share. In fact, to get it to work you’ll need to kick ’s Assistant out of its prime location (which may pose a problem for xel owners, but the rest of us probably won’t miss it).
After downloading Microsoft’s Clip yer, head over to Settings to install it. Open the Apps menu, tap the gear icon in top right, then Assist & voice input, Assist app, change the default from App to Clip yer.

Microsoft’s Clip yer in action.
Then you’ll only need to long-press the home button when you find a bit of text you want to store. Clip yer will then scan the screen place boxes around the various blocks of text it sees, whether or not it’s something that can normally be copied. Select the one you want (you can check its accuracy by tapping the T in the upper right corner) choose whether you want to copy, share or save it to nderlist. Since Clip yer isn’t a true clipboard manager, it’s most useful in the moment— there were times during my brief testing when it missed the mark pretty bad—but it’s definitely a cool spin on the usual clunky method.
y this matters: Clip yer is a perfect example of why we love Android so much. It’s not just that Microsoft has created a better way to copy text; if it wasn’t accessible in such an easy way Clip yer wouldn’t be nearly as useful. Even though it might not be perfect, the ability to make implement an outside-the-box tool like this is one of Android’s greatest strengths.