proclaims the winners of the 2016 Material Design Awards

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 19 Oct 2016

is giving out the s of Material Design to several apps that pulled off a stout performance with the company’s design guidelines.

This is the second annual list, it highlights several ways in which Android developers have put Material Design to work. gave out the 2015 awards at I/O.

The story behind the story: Material Design is ’s design language that first debuted with Android llipop. It aims to bring consistency an attractive appearance to Android. has also used its own products to serve as a benchmark, infusing Material Design not only throughout Android, but also the company’s web iOS apps.

And the winners are…

picked five different apps that use Material Design in different ways. 

Br Infusion: Asana: Tasks & ojects
Charming Engagement: Fabulous – Motivate Me!
Creative Navigation: C Channel (available in panese Thai)
Expressive youts: Kitchen Stories
Focused Efficiency: Airbnb

The following screenshots from Fabulous illustrate some of what wants to reward. The app uses a lot of sharp colors, animations, breaks apart the content into easily-digestible chunks.

fabulous Design

Fabulous breaks apart content into cards uses playful animations to engage with you while using the app.

Other apps used familiar elements like the floating action button, laid out a distinct path of navigation, created a fluid experience. The more that can nudge developers to embrace Material Design, the better visual appeal consistency there’ll be on Android.