Samsung banking on record Galaxy S6 shipments ahead of April 10 launch


Published 9 Apr 2015


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The Galaxy S6 could the phone that leads Samsung back to smartphone dominance. A Reuters report says the company expects record shipments of its new flagship phone, boosting Samsung to its highest profits in three quarters.

Our Galaxy S6 review found a lot to love in the new device, a sentiment that has been echoed by other reviewers. T-Mobile said Thursday it’s taken almost double the number of pre-orders as it did for the Galaxy S5.

However, if you’re dead set on picking up the Galaxy S6 ge you could be in for some frustrations.

st as with the Galaxy Note ge, there are limited supplies, do to the challenges that come with mass-producing such a curvaceous phone. It may not be the limited-edition concept first unveiled with the Note ge, but the extra $100 unique build may not be what mainstream buyers are looking for.

There are also a few deals you can score if you’re planning to pick up one of these new phones. T-Mobile is offering you a free year of Netflix, even if you’re an existing subscriber. Hit the Samsung promotions website once you get your device in h. Best Buy is also throwing in a wireless charging pad if you buy one of the devices before April 11.

The story behind the story: After several disappointing quarters, Samsung may finally be reversing course. It’s a playbook that we hinted at for a while: better design, less oppressive software, sticking it closer to stock Android makes for a better experience. It appears to be that’s what buyers want, too.