Android 4.3 Jelly Bean factory image for Nexus devices goes live!

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 24 Jul 2013


Minutes after officially announcing a new version of Jelly Bean, Google has gone ahead and uploaded the factory images for all the supported Nexus devices. 

If you cannot wait for the OTA update, downloading and flashing the factory image is the quickest way to experience Android 4.3 Jelly Bean on your Nexus device. You can head over to Google’s developer website to download the factory images for the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 10, and the old Nexus 7.

However, the factory images for the CDMA variant of the Galaxy Nexus, and the 3G variant of the Nexus 7 are not yet available for download. Looking at their past history, don’t expect the factory images to be available any time soon as well.