How to Turn on the Ok Detection

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 10 May 2016

All those nifty voice commands are one of the major strengths of using an Android phone. But they’re even more potent if you enable Ok detection from any screen. This means your phone is locked, or you’re using another app. You can speak a question or command to put Google’s search power to employ. To start, launch the app and open Settings > Ok detection. Then toggle From any screen.
Turn on the always-listening mode from the app.

Next you’ll be prompted to say, Ok three times so the app can learn how your voice sounds. This is to ensure only you can launch the search.

Teach the app to how your voice sounds, so no one else besides you can initiate a search.

Once this is finished, you’re set to go. On the previous screen you can toggle the Personal results to get suggestions based on what it has learned about your search browsing history. Additionally, you can enable Ok to work through a Bluetooth headset.