The OnePlus 2 will boast 4GB of RAM

BY Evan Selleck

Published 7 Jul 2015

OnePlus 2 4GB of RAM

Leading up to this moment, OnePlus has already confirmed that the OnePlus 2 will feature a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 v2.1 processor, a USB Type-C port, and that the device will be unveiled on July 27.

But the company has one last thing to announce before July 27 rolls around. Based on a post released within the company’s official forums, it has been confirmed that the OnePlus 2 will feature LPDDR4 RAM, which the company states has a laundry list of improvements when compared to LPDDR3 RAM. For starters, OnePlus says that the new RAM will see smoother gameplay on the OnePlus 2, even better energy saving features, and faster loading times.

Plus, there’s even more to look forward to, as made clear by OnePlus:

With LPDDR4, you get twice the bandwidth performance as the LPDDR3 at the same power consumption profile. The RAM of the OnePlus 2 uses a lower operating voltage than its predecessor, decreasing from 1.2V to 1.1V. And with speeds up to 32 GB/s, it is also twice as fast as the LPDDR3. It offers optimal support for power-saving low frequency mode that brings clock speeds down when performing those everyday and necessary tasks.”

All in all, the inclusion of LPDDR4 seems like a big win for future OnePlus 2 owners. Plus, there’s another noteworthy takeaway: the OnePlus 2 will boast 4GB of RAM tucked inside.

Recently, the chief executive of OnePlus confirmed that the OnePlus 2 will come under $450, which will more than likely make it a hard phone to ignore once it launches later this year.

[via OnePlus Forums]