Kyocera rafre Can be Washed With Hand Soap

BY Evan Selleck

Published 27 Jan 2017

Kyocer Rafre

Ever get your phone really dirty, and wished you could just put it under the sink’s faucet, put some soap on it, and clean it up?

Well, Kyocera has a phone for you. As long as you live in Japan. The company has just unveiled the “rafre,” which will launch for KDDI in Japan sometime in March of this year. It’s a pretty standard mid-range handset for the most part, but Kyocera has actually included a variety of different noteworthy features anyway, which should help it stand out.

The first of which is the fact that you can wash this device, with foaming soap, whether it’s hand soap or body soap. On top of that, the handset works as it normally would even when it’s wet, so you can check your social networking feeds while you wash it, just for good measure.

To reach that goal, Kyocera had to remove the standard earpiece at the top of the phone, which would normally handle audio for calls. With that gone, Kyocera had to adopt “Smart Sonic Receiver” technology. With it, when a rafre owner gets a call, the device uses this technology to send vibrations through the display to the eardrum, relaying the audio that way.

Kyocera rafre cooking app

Kyocera is also including a cooking app, which takes advantage of the front-facing camera to track hand gestures. With this, the phone can be used to scroll through recipes while the owner cooks, answer calls, or set timers.

As far as specs go, the rafre boasts a 5-inch HD display, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of built-in storage, and a microSD card reader for expandable memory. The handset will run some version of Android, and has a 13-megapixel camera on the back.

What do you think of the rafre?

[via Kyocera]