Google+ update brings the ability to cast your stream

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 12 Aug 2014

google plus logo

Google today has started rolling out a new update for the Google+ app that brings with it a major new feature — the ability to cast your stream to any Chromecast connected TV.

After updating the app, users should see a Cast button the top-right corner of their Google+ stream. This button will only appear if you are in your primary ‘Everything’ stream, and not inside the stream of any particular circle.


While casting the stream to your TV will provide a similar UI as on your phone, it does hide away all the navigation controls of Android. Another minor change I noticed was a new icon for the comment as well as the +1 button with a darker foreground. (

The official change-log of the update only mentions “Several stability improvements and performance improvements” though. If the update is not already available for you on the Play Store, you can manually grab the APK from here and install it on your device.

[Via Android Police]