Google Pixel Launcher Will Soon Support Manually Switching Between a Light or Dark Theme


Published 13 Jun 2018


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AndroidP LightDarkToggle

Dark themes are all over the place, with people requesting the ability to switch between the two as they see fit.

And it looks like Google has listened to these requests. An Android user chimed in using the Android P Developer Preview issue tracker and asked that the Android team add the ability to manually switch between a light or dark theme. Right now, the software will automatically switch between either one depending on the style of wallpaper you have equipped.

A Google employee weighed in on the subject, marking the issue as “completed” and adding, “We have added support for a Dark theme to be applied to quick settings and launcher under Settings -> Display -> Device Theme. It will be available in a future Android build.” Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing right now when, exactly, this completed feature will actually rollout.

The expectation, though, is that Android users could see the addition of being able to manually toggle between a light or dark theme with some version of Android P. The next major version of the mobile operating system is set to launch sometime in the third quarter of this year, so we could see this feature sooner rather than later.

Are you looking forward to the launch of Android P?