Google App for Android Gains Offline Search Capabilities; Now Works Better With Spotty Data Connections

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 18 Jan 2017

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Google today announced that the Google app for Android will now work better with spotty data connections. Now, when you search for something through the Google app and it fails due to no data connection, the results will be retrieved automatically once your handset regains connectivity.

Google says that the Google app for Android will work behind-the-scenes to automatically detect when data connectivity has been restored and will have minimal impact on your device’s battery life. It will also display streamlined search result pages to minimise data usage.

With this change, search results are saved as soon as they are retrieved, even if you lose connection afterwards or go into airplane mode. So the next time you lose service, feel free to queue up your searches, put your phone away and carry on with your day. The Google app will work behind-the-scenes to detect when a connection is available again and deliver your search results once completed.

Google Search Android Offline

You don’t need to keep the Google app in the foreground either for the results to show. Instead, the app will automatically send you a notification when it has loaded the search results. Make sure that you are running the latest version of the Google app for Android on your device as this is not a server-side update.

[Via Google]