Google announces Material Design, a design language for Android and more


Published 25 Jun 2014


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image Material Design

During their annual Google I/O event, Google announced a new design language not meant just for Android, but that will envelope plenty of other properties tied to the search giant.

At Google I/O 2014, Google officially unveiled Material Design, a new design language that focuses on color, a more consistent interface hierarchy, and a refreshed iconography. Google is calling it a “unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion.”

Our material is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by our study of paper and ink, yet open to imagination and magic,” Google said of Material Design.

The video you can see through the source link below, shows Material Design in action, as seen in new Android apps, and along the Web. Notice the differences in Calendar and Gmail, for instance.

You can check out Google’s page for Material Design here.

[via The Verge]