Android 4.4.2 KitKat Test Firmware for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Leaks (Update: It’s now out!)

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 13 Jan 2014


A couple of days ago, a test Android 4.4.2 firmware for the Galaxy S4 was leaked online by SamMobile. Today, they are back with some KitKat love for the S4’s older brother — the Galaxy Note 3. Unlike the leak for the S4, the leaked Note 3 test firmware is among the final Android 4.4.2 builds for the device. 

This means that all the features present in this test firmware are final and the only improvements we will see in the final release would be bug-fixes and performance improvements, if any. The changes in this test firmware for the Note 3 are very similar to the S4’s KitKat firmware and includes a transparent status bar with white icons, minor UI changes, camera shortcut on the lock screen and performance improvements.

All the other features that Google introduced in KitKat like Immersive mode, full screen widget while playing back music and more are also present.

Samsung is expected to roll out the official Android 4.4.2 update for the Galaxy Note 3 in a couple of weeks. However, if you are impatient and bold enough to try out this leaked firmware on your Note 3, head over to SamMobile for instructions.

Update: It’s officially being pushed out now, at least in Poland.