is constantly at work perfecting the latest version of Android, but you might not know that you can help test it out. Before any new version of Android is released, whether it’s a full new major “sweet treat” version (such as the new Android O beta) or a simple maintenance release, you can sign up to test it weeks or months before it’s available for public download. l you need is a account the right phone.
And makes it easy to sign up, as long as you have one of the newer “pure Android” hsets. Currently, the list is pretty short, but if you own a Nexus 5X, Nexus 6 or one of the xel phones, you’re all set. (Additionally, you can install the beta on the short-lived Nexus ayer set-top box, the xel C tablet.)
Those phones should be good for the rest of this year, as has vowed that Nexus level devices will “receive major updates for at least two years.” For example, the 2014 Nexus 6 Nexus 9 only recently dropped off the list, so last year’s Huawei Nexus devices should be good at least through the remainder of 2017.
If you have the right hardware, head over to ’s Android Beta ogram website. You’ll need to log in with your account, once you do, you’ll be taken to a page that explains what the program is all about. The usual beta disclaimers apply, warns that the updates “may contain errors defects that can affect normal functioning of your device.” So before you enroll you’re phone, it’s a good idea to back up your data first, just in case.

To start receiving beta updates, tap the Enroll device button next to the hset you want.
In the middle of the page, you’ll see a list of your eligible devices, with an Enroll button next to it. Tap it you’ll see be taken to a disclaimer screen. Check the agree box, select in beta, in a couple seconds you’ll be in.

You’ll need to agree to a short disclaimer form before you can enroll in the program.
If a new beta isn’t available, it will be business as usual on your phone. Security updates will be installed as normal, as well as any official releases, you won’t know anything has changed. Once a beta does l, you’ll get a notification about it just like you normally would (although it will indicate that it’s a beta update), or you can check in the usual place: Scroll down to the About phone tab in Settings, select System updates. It will install over-the-air normally, with a restart, whenever a new one releases, you’ll go through the same process. And when the version you’re testing releases publically, you’ll be able to install that version on your phone, too.

If there is a beta to install, it will show up when you select the Check for Update button.
If you’ve flashed your device just want to install the files yourself without registering for the program, you can grab them from Developers site. st scroll down to the test section, find the version you’re looking for, follow the link to get to the blic Beta Images page. Then, locate your device download the appropriate file. (Here are the Android O beta downloads.)
th betas, is looking for feedback, so if you spot something that needs fixing, you can contact directly by heading to the Settings app, tapping About, then Send feedback about this device. Additionally, hosts an Android Beta ogram + community, where you can share feedback with other users.

If a particular beta is giving you fits, you can easily unenroll from the program downgrade to a stable release. But back up your data first!
Finally, if you’re having serious problems with a particular beta, you can always downgrade to the most recent stable version. Simply select Unenroll device on the same Android Beta ogram page where you registered your device, will deliver the latest general release to your phone. However, as warns, it “will wipe all data on the device,” so once again, you’ll want to back up your data before downgrading.
itor’s note: This article originally published in February 2017, but has been updated to reflect the Android O beta release.