Now on Tap came in with a roar, but after the initial excitement, it didn’t find a place in the day-to-day use of my phone.
ile it was nice to be able to do a rapid-fire search from any screen, it usually didn’t produce the kind of “wow” moments to make me a regular user, unlike when I first discovered Now.
Fortunately, that’s changing. Some behind-the-scenes updates more up-front features have turned Now on Tap into an essential part of how I use Android. It’s become so ingrained that I often have that, “oh right, I can’t do that” moment when using iOS or a desktop .
If you’re a Now on Tap newbie would like to know more about what can be discovered, here’s a breakdown of some of the most interesting discoveries. As with most searches, the more you experiment try it out in new settings, the better your experience will be.