Microsoft brings Office ns eview app to Android


Published 2 Apr 2015


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Microsoft wants to help you to stop misplacing those rom to-do lists, receipts, other rom bits of clutter that you accumulate throughout the day. 

It’s bringing its Office ns app to Android, which scans digitizes such items into an orderly, editable digital file inside of a Microsoft Office application.

Its neatest trick uses optical character recognition (OCR), which recognizes hwriting other text of scanned images. You can then search it later, which makes for a great way to find what you need from your hwritten notes. It can also scan business cards turn them into a contact.

At the top of the app there’s a toggle to switch between documents, whiteboards, or photos to give the app information about what kind of object you’re taking a picture of.

The Android version of the app is in preview, which means you’ll need to sign up on + if you want to check it out right away. To do so, head to the Office ns + page  click “become a tester.” Then you can go to the app’s page in ay  install it on your phone.

The sign-in process is a little backwards. You have to first take a photo attempt to save it before you’re triggered to enter your Microsoft account credentials.

Once you get going, you’ll be able to save any image to OneNote, OneDrive, rd, werint, your phone’s gallery as a F. 

y this matters: ndows one has pitiful market share, so Microsoft is going cross-platform in its bid to make you an Office user. The Office ns app complements OneNote other Office apps in simplifying the process of saving important papers, notes, ideas.