New Now card shows gas stations along your route


Published 23 Feb 2015


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The next time you’re on the road you may only need to fire up Now to find the nearest gas station.

+ user Mcughlin posted a screenshot from his Nexus 5, showing a Now card detailing “gas stations on your route,” as first reported by Android lice.

google plus gas stations Mcughlin – +

The new card details the location of the nearest stations while traveling.

Mcughlin offered other details in the ensuing + discussion about his discovery. He said he wasn’t using any Maps navigation features at the time, so Now was probably using his driving history current direction to guess at to which stations to suggest.

He said when clicking a station, it launched Maps offered navigation to that specific location.

If is planning a wider rollout for this feature, it would be tremendously useful for road trips or even the daily commute. You could swipe over to Now to check out where the nearest gas station is instead of trying to conduct a search through the Maps app.

The impact on you: Be on the lookout for this card to show up next time you’re out about—though don’t do it while driving, of course. often pops in new Now cards without notice, this one is extremely useful. It’s not on ‘s official list yet, but often times new cards will just appear before they get formally promoted.