Samsung hints at Galaxy S6 support for multiple wireless charging stards

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 17 Feb 2015

The Galaxy S6 may work with multiple wireless charging formats, eliminating the frustration in finding one that is compatible with your phone.

A Samsung blog post details that the company is working with the three major wireless charging backers, pledging to “democratize this wireless charging technology with compelling smartphones.”

ile that’s already a solid piece of evidence that the Galaxy S6 may support several major wireless charging stards, the latest GS6 teaser video adds in another hint. At the end of the short clip where “The Next Galaxy” speaks in first person, a large lightning bolt icon flashes on the screen.

Such a feature is a big deal: reless charging is currently a fractured mess. There are three major competing stards. You have the reless wer Consortium ( its Qi stard, the wer ers liance (A), the liance for reless wer (A4 

The latter two have signed an agreement to work together more closely, but even that would leave us with two different stards. Should Samsung be able to produce a phone that’s nearly universal in its ability to hle wireless charging, it could be the first of many, with competitors rushing in to keep pace.

y this matters: reless charging is something that ought to work seamlessly, but right now it just doesn’t. Because Samsung cranks out so much popular hardware, it could be the right company to bust through the fragmentation deliver a phone that charges wirelessly with ease. ’ll get to see the Galaxy S6 up front when the company unveils it h 1 in Barcelona test out if Samsung can deliver on its promises.