Your Friday funny: The Daily Show eviscerates Glass wearers


Published 13 Jun 2014


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Comedy Central’s The Daily Show does satire better than anyone, we can’t think of a topic more ripe for mockery than the earnestness of Glass wearers who cry discrimination. On last night’s episode, es interviewed a panel of Glass wearers—sorry, “Explorers”—all of whom had endured some sort of incident for wearing the technology.

The panel included Cecilia Abadie, who received a traffic ticket for wearing Glass, Kyle Russell, who had his Glass ripped off his face smashed while covering a protest of a employee. Talk about meta.

The half-dozen Glassvangelists were interviewed about what it’s like to be vilified for wearing Glass, while their answers are mostly serious, es’s replies are utterly delightful. “The best uses of Glass today are apps that act as an interface between you the real world,” one Glasshead tries to explain. ( “Do you guys hear yourself when you talk?” interjects es. “‘An interface between you the real world.’ Those are called eyes.” He’s not wrong.

You can watch the segment embedded above, if you’re curious about whether or not the Glass wearers were on board for the joke, check out this blog post from panelist Starr.