Verizon reless is about to give its customers a big fat upgrade. The strategy: Don’t just improve one part of its service, bump up everything. The promotion is scheduled to be announced Thursday, after a tease on Verizon’s twitter feed.
Coming soon: The next game changer from Verizon reless. Find out #more tomorrow…
— Verizon reless (@VZews) February 12, 2014
But why wait for tomorrow when you can get leaked details today? Anonymous tipsters sent in photos of the promotional materials made for Verizon representatives to Android lice. In them, you can see details of the “More Everything” plan.

aked details of the Verizon More Everything promotion.
In the photos, you can see what’s on tap. The ge early-upgrade plan customers are getting a $10 break in price ($20 for those with 10GB+ data plans). Users get 25GB of Verizon Cloud storage free international messaging (from the ).
Data caps are getting a boost in some cases. The 500MB, 1GB, 2GB plans are jumping up to 1GB, 2GB, 3GB without a change in price. That’s a great move—500MB today is like having a 100MB plan a few years ago. It’s not every useful at all, all carrier plans should start at at least 1GB (a paltry 32MB per day).

Another shot of Verizon’s leaked promotional materials.
The “doubled bwidth in cities coast to coast” part has me scratching my head a little. I don’t think Verizon can update all its towers at once. This is probably the start of a rollout of enhanced E service bonding two or three channels together for higher peak speeds, if so, it’s likely to only be in a hful of markets ( not at every location in those markets). It’ll also require specific phone support.
But hey, don’t worry, you can get a new phone sooner, too! Until the end of h, customers who bought a phone before November 13, 2013 can enroll in ge get an new phone.
The official announcement, according to Verizon’s tweet, is coming Thursday. You won’t have to wait long to find out if these leaks are accurate, read the fine print. There’s always fine print.