Android Wear crossed 720,000 units shipped in 2014

BY Evan Selleck

Published 11 Feb 2015


Android Wear is Google’s answer to the smart watch market, and while the platform is still relatively new, numbers from a research firm suggest that the platform’s start wasn’t like a rocket taking off.

The research firm Canalys has released numbers that stipulate that Android Wear surpassed 720,000 units shipped in 2014. It did so with the help of manufacturers like Motorola, LG, Samsung, and others. The report also indicates that LG had a better success rate with its G Watch R, rathe than the original G Watch.

Compared to the lot, though, Motorola’s Moto 360 was the most popular Android Wear-based wearable released in 2014.

Canalys also echoes the announcement from Pebble in 2014 that the company has sold more than 1 million Pebble smart watches since its debut in 2013.

Did you pick up an Android Wear smart watch in 2014?

[via Canalys]